Confirm entity information as they will appear on the LEI code with GLEIF
Confirm Entity information and contact info
Is a signing authority and can order a LEI code
Confirm that you are a signing authority so the transfer can be processed
How many years the LEI code should be valid for
Select how many years that LEI Service should renew your LEI code
Accept terms and conditions governing the LEI code application process
Read and accept terms and conditions
Pay and the transfer and renewal is under way!
Pay and the transfer and renewal is under way!

Transfer and LEI number renewal

Transfer and LEI number renewal

Find low cost LEI renewal and transfer here

Do you need an LEI renewal? Do you want to transfer your LEI number to LEI Service from your current management company so that you can enjoy the benefits of our low cost LEI and excellent customer service?

Transferring your LEI number to LEI Service is free of charge—you only pay for the renewal of your LEI code. Choose our LEI renewal service for 1, 3 or 5 years.

Low cost LEI number transfer and renewal

Transfer and renew your Legal Entity Identifier with LEI Service for 1 year for only $58 (excluding any applicable VAT). Choose 3 or 5-year renewal and save even more. Further information about our competitive pricing can be found here.

No prepaid period lost

It is still possible to transfer your LEI code to LEI Service right away even if you have a prepaid LEI validity period with another supplier. We will make sure that you do not lose your prepaid validity period.

We can submit an LEI code for transfer 60 days before its validity period expires with GLEIF. This means that if your LEI number expires in 90 days we will hold your order for 30 days. Once the 30 days have passed we will submit your transfer and renewal request at the 60 day mark.

What is the difference between LEI renewal and “transfer and renewal?”

If you have already registered an LEI number with a different supplier your LEI has been issued through a Local Operating Unit (LOU). LOUs handle the practical aspect of issuing LEI codes. If you want the benefits of using LEI Service—low cost management and excellent customer service—your LEI number will need to be transferred from your current LOU to our partner LOU.

The transfer process is free of charge and does not change your LEI number. An LEI transfer is purely administrative and the process is handled for you by LEI Service. We will not be able to renew your LEI code until it has been transferred to our partner LOU.

The transfer of an LEI can take up to 7 business days depending on your old supplier.

Please note: if you have signed a long contract with your current LEI company, you must cancel that contract when transferring to LEI Service.


Transferring your LEI number to our management is easy. At LEI Service we offer LEI transfer free of charge. Just enter your entity registration number and verify your information. Please note that it can take up to 7 business days before the transfer is complete. This is universal for all service providers in the LEI system as an LEI transfer takes longer to complete than a new LEI registration.

You can renew your LEI code for a year with LEI Service for only $59 (excluding any applicable VAT). Save more and benefit from our automatic renewal service by choosing a longer renewal period of 3 or 5 years.

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