How to obtain a Legal Entity Identifier? Application of a new LEI number
We will help you obtain a Legal Entity Identifier right here on this page if you do not have an existing LEI with GLEIF.
Please complete the LEI number application form above, enabling us to get started on your LEI registration right away. If you need help to complete the form, see the guide below.
What is a LEI code?
The LEI code or LEI number can be translated to an international business or entity registration number. A number of countries, including all of the EU, require that you have a LEI code in order to perform transactions on the financial markets.
LEI Service is a Danish founded company helping legal entities obtaining LEI code numbers. We offer english speaking phone and e-mail customer service. We are well situated to assist businesses, funds and other legal entities in obtaining a LEI number affordable, easy and quickly.
Apply for LEI number
You apply for LEI number right here with a very simple process. Fill in your business registration number, notet the relevant officer, choose how many years you would like the LEI to be managed for. Enter the information from the official registry and pay. The LEI application is now under way.
For British Virgin Islands we also need a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation from the Registrar of Corporate Affairs. Also either the Registered Agent Certificate or Register of Directors. The documents provided need to contain both the entity name, address and Director / Signing Authority.
LEI lookup
When you make an order on this page, we will automatically do a LEI lookup to make sure a LEI is not already registered for the entity. You can only have one LEI number per legal entity, that is why we have included an automated LEI search.
Guide to LEI code application form
The process for the application is simple, just follow the steps below:
- Choose if it is a new LEI or if you have an existing LEI
- Enter your entity/business reference data
- Select the duration of the LEI and pay with your credit card or bank transfer
- We will submit the data for validation, when accepted the LEI number is sent to you by e-mail
If we cannot verify the data with the local British Virgin Island authorities, we will contact you to get additional information so the application can be approved, and the LEI issued.
What if I am not able to provide the information concerning ownership structure?
If the legal entity applying for a LEI is owned by another entity or cannot report such relation, then the reason (exception) must be specified as to why:
- The entity is owned or controlled by a natural person(s)
- The parent entity does not consolidate accounts
- There is not a parent according to the GLEIF legal entity identifier definition (there is no known person controlling the entity e.g., diversified shareholding)
- Legal restrictions prevent me from publishing or providing this information
- Parental consent has not been sought to provide or publish this information
- Legal commitments prevents me from publishing or providing this information
- My Parent could not confirm whether providing this information would be detrimental to my Entity or not
- Disclosure of this information would be detrimental to my entity or its Parent