LEI Badge Setup
If you would you like to show your LEI's validity publicly, it can easily be done with this "badge" on your website.
Please ask your webmaster to implement below steps and your are all set.
1. Insert javascript code into the HTML page
Paste the following code at the bottom of the HTML page. Preferably just before </body>
(function (w, d, s, o, f, js, fjs) {
w['LeiService-Badge'] = o; w[o] = w[o] || function () { (w[o].q = w[o].q || []).push(arguments) };
js = d.createElement(s), fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
js.id = o; js.src = f; js.async = 1; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(window, document, 'script', '_leiservice', 'https://widget.leiservice.com/leiservice-badge-v1.js'));
_leiservice('setBadge', { elementId: 'leiservice-badge', site: 'leiservice.com', lang: 'en' });
2. Insert HTML element
In the same HTML page, insert the following HTML element where you want your LEI Badge to be displayed.
<div id="leiservice-badge" data-lei="9845006C601CB29D1H76"></div>
That's all it takes!
For questions or help with this, please contact us.
Your LEI Badge should now be displayed on your page as the example here: